Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Short Transcript Challenge I: The Heart of the Empire

Since some of you were keen enough to send me your versions of some transcripts, I propose comparing them here.

So, for the next entries, and probably from time to time when I find suitable videos, we'll carry out The Short Transcript Challenge (fanfare!)

The procedure is very simple. Just write down your version in the comments and compare with others. I'll include mine, probably on a separate window. I suggest that you check with other people's versions before correction, but to do that, we need some active participation!

We start with your already known The heart of the Empire. If you didn't participate during last week, now's the moment! Very interesting new vocabulary for the people that did it then, don't miss the chance of learning it too.


1 comment:

  1. Let's go, we must face the challenge!

    Here it is... my guess:

    Rome was the largest empire, the......military force, the greatest civilization on Earth, but most of all, it was a place, this city. Though only traces remain and most of its ruins lay beneath modern streets, here in stone is the story of the ancient Romans. Using new finds and new thinking the fragments are now being pieced back together. These people took a swamp and drained it, they perfected concrete, the most versatile construction material on Earth, and they quarried millions of tons of marble. They used all to build the imperial capital. Centuries of innovation, endurance, and ambition.
