Sunday, 24 February 2013

Conditional hunt: the size of the universe

Back from a long break...

What's a conditional hunt? Well, in this blog, it is an activity that consists in finding as many conditional clauses as possible in one single video. The function of conditional clauses and hypothesis here, particularly at the end of the video, is to try to explain a concept in terms that we can understand. Given that the size of the universe is impossible for us to picture, Pete Edwards of the University of Durham resorts to an imaginary situation:

Supposing our galaxy were the size of a grain of sand, how big would the universe be?

So, let's open our ears! Go to the link above and try to find as many conditionals as possible! The solution, coming up in the comments. But don't forget to contribute with your own comments, telling us how many you found!

A nice idiomatic expression to start the video : "you'll never get your head around how big the universe is"

to get your head (a)round something: to be able to understand or accept something (OALD)

1 comment:

  1. I can't help posting in this blog, it brings back some good memories.....
    Let's start with these:
    1. I think if you go beyond that, then our brain .. start ?? to run out of gas

    2. If you hold your thumb up and close one eye, you can see that your thumb appears to be in a certain position relative to something behind you thought, but if you open that eye and close the other eye, you'll see your thumb appears to move relative to the object behind.

    3. If you imagine light moving around the Earth in one second so….(click, click) enough time, light would travel around the earth over seven times, so that fast

    If the sun was to disappear right now, we wouldn't know for eight minutes….

    if you imagine if you reverse the scenario and your are looking at the earth from Andromeda with a very powerful telescope, you'd see no signs of cities, no civilization no great wall of China, you might be lucky enough to see one or two sort of early humans hunting around through the african planes for the dinner maybe.
