Friday, 5 June 2015

Housing options: a "transformer apartment"

Hello everyone!

As you probably know, June is here, and that means more videos to practise for the exam! (Yayyy...!)

This one is to practise two areas: one is vocabulary about space, particularly house space, and their descriptions. The other element is accent... This person is from Hong Kong, so you can guess the accent is going to be challenging!

The format is in fact a presentation, not a video, but it is here because I enjoyed it so much. It consists of 20-second-long slides with a voiceover. The person who speaks is the owner of a 32-square-metre flat who has refurbished it several times throughout the years. The best summary I can make is, in his own words: "The place changes for me, I don't change for the place".

So your task is to find out this information:

1.  How many people have lived in the apartment in the different stages he describes?
2. How has he created a home cinema?
3.  What was his inspiration for the last concept?
4. Which parts of his house are movable? What do they transform into?

Some vocabulary you might need:

to double as
Swiss Army (knife)

I hope you enjoy this transformer apartment! And I'd love to see your answers in the comments section!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Here are my answers

    1. How many people have lived in the apartment in the different stages he describes?
    When he first moved in, they were 6 people, 2 when he was in college and then he lived alone when he graduated.
    2. How has he created a home cinema?
    He created a home cinema by opening spaces of his house, using the curtains of his window as a screen.
    3. What was his inspiration for the last concept?
    The main inspiration was his neighborhood.
    4. Which parts of his house are movable? What do they transform into?
    Mostly walls and his bed, creating different scenarios. The place changes for him, so he doesn't changes places. He can make his kitchen bigger and smaller, turn his bed into a sofa, reveal a bathroom... over all making spaces bigger or smaller.
