Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Hi everyone!

Finding, choosing, or even stumbling upon a career path that turns out to be fulfilling is entirely different for each one of us. For some, it's a very natural thing: we have a vocation, a "calling" if you wish. And we still doubt very often. For others, it is the product of very careful reasoning and a journey of self-discovery. It is nothing less than a crisis, a turning point ("point" being quite an inaccurate term here, as it takes considerably longer than a moment). And the search for fulfilment can happen at any age, bringing with it different concerns about our finances or our family, relocation or housing.

Not easy, and yet, fascinating (at least to me, like everything that involves self-search). This is one video that I have found while reading and I want to share it with you... along with some questions, of course, and a wealth of interesting vocabulary, presented here in the form of lexical chunks (ready-to-use vocabulary, if you will).

You can use both the context and a dictionary for these. Check pronunciation. Apart from helping you identify the's beautiful in many cases, particularly for unusual words.

to a greater or lesser extent
the quest for...
there are estimated to be..
we end up making no choice at all
fear is entirely normal
have a calling
a perilous position
puts us at the mercy of
catch a glimpse of
what we have to do is...
unwittingly chosen
to surmise
to give it a go
feudalism (do check pronunciation to be able to catch this one!)

And some questions:

1. Where does "paralysis of choice" stem from?
2. Why is it important to park any concerns for money for some time?
3. What do you have to write down?
4. Why is it important to do something as well as thinking?

Language. Find examples of:

a) emphatic "do"
b) double negatives

I hope you like this one as much as I do, and I expect some comments and opinions in the comments section. Ask me any questions you may need, and don't forget to disable the CC (closed captions) on the video... Don't cheat!



  1. I find it really interesting :)
    1. Where does "paralysis of choice" stem from? The multiple choice we have in our lives, paralyze us, not knowing how to discard options.
    2. Why is it important to park any concerns for money for some time? To know what are you really interested in, because its killed your more pasionated and nature part of you.
    3. What do you have to write down? Everything you have enjoyed making it, or doing it.
    4. Why is it important to do something as well as thinking? Because we need data, we need to go to the real world to gather information, to understand it and in that process understand better ourselves.

    1. Thank you, unknown commenter!

      Very accurate answers, can I just point out that you're repeating the reference in the sentence "everything you have enjoyed making (it), or doing (it)". That "it" is not necessary.

      Keep up the good work!

  2. Loved the video, it's a really interesting dilemma that we're bound to find ourselves into sooner or later. And I loved they mentioned the fact that having a vocation doesn't make things easier, since you will always wonder if we are "trapped in a job chosen for us by our X (in my case 4) year old selves"
    About the questions:
    1.-Paralysis of choice stems from having too many options to chose from
    2.-Financial panic kills dialogue with the authentic passionate side of our nature
    3.-You are supposed to write down everything you've ever loved making or doing
    4.-We need do recollect data and collide with the real world around us

    I found the emphatic do in the sentence "those who do have one" but i haven't found no sentence where they used the double negative

    1. Hi Bea!

      It is interesting, isn't it? And to add to your comment about vocations, I have always found it useful that I never truly had a vocation, a calling or a defined preference until fairly late in life (compared to you). I think that late realizations can be almost preferable...

      Let me check again if there are any double negatives, because I prepared the activity a long time before publication. Thanks for the tip!

    2. I absolutely agree with you. I feel that late realizations are much more reliable because you have a better idea of yourself and who you really are.

  3. 1. Where does "paralysis of choice" stem from? Paralysis stemming from too many options
    2. Why is it important to park any concerns for money for some time? To find meaning and satisfaction. To hide the thoughts related to fear and start thinking about the things we really like and what we are into (fascinated about) This way we will stop having glimpses and hints of our tastes.
    3. What do you have to write down? Everything you 've ever wnjoying doing or making which can include making a tree house.
    4. Why is it important to do something as well as thinking? Trying something will give us data in the process of gathering information that can be done by volunteering for instance.

    Language. Find examples of:

    a) emphatic "do" It truly does seem as if the difference between success and failure were the capacity to give it a go
    b) double negatives: Same as B , I didn't find any!! IS there ctually any on the video = i guess there are plenty but I just didn't get them
